When providing content to the Global marketplace, asset manifest metadata is required to conform to the MMC Manifest specification. Prime Video currently supports MovieLabs MMC v1.10. Below are the available sample files for use in creating MMC Manifests. For more details on Global requirements and supported features, see the Supported Features table and Packaging Summary.
When providing content to the Global marketplace, asset manifest metadata is required to conform to the MMC Manifest specification. Partial MMC allows delivery of assets for an updated package without the need to declare all assets already delivered to Amazon.
When providing content to the Global marketplace, metadata is required to conform to the MEC Metadata specification. Prime Video currently supports MovieLabs MEC v2.5. Below are the available sample files for use in creating MEC Metadata. For more details on Global requirements and supported features, see the Supported Features table and Packaging Summary.
Note that there are four templates based on the type of content—Feature, Series, Season, and Episode. MEC Metadata must be submitted for each content type. For example, when delivering a TV series, you must deliver a Series MEC, a Season MEC for each season within the series, and an Episode MEC for each episode within each season.
Please see the available Timed Text Sample Files for assistance in creating Timed Text. For more details on Timed Text specifications, see the Timed Text section.
When providing content to Prime Video, content rights must be communicated prior to delivery of title packages and must conform to the EMA Avails specification. For more information, see Content rights.
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