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Content rights

Prime Video requires content rights to be submitted in the Entertainment Merchants Association (EMA) Avails Specification. Prime Video supports EMA XLS Avails, version 1.6, 1.7.2, and 1.7.3. The maximum size of EMA 1.6, 1.7.2, and 1.7.3 avails supported by Prime Video is 60,000 rows.

Note: SVOD titles may require content rights information to be submitted in Advanced Title Data (ADT).

The EMA Avails templates include instructions for completion. The following Prime Video rules supersede the instructions on the template:

  • EntryType Rules: Only Full Extract and Full Delete submissions are accepted.

    Full Extract means that new avail entries replace all current and future avail entries within the same scope. Prime Video defines scope as the unique combination of licensor, unique ID, territory, and the rights model (e.g., TVOD, SVOD, etc.). A unique ID is represented by an Alt ID in EMA v1.6 and an ALID in EMA v1.7.

    Full Extract requires that all of your current and future avail entries are provided for a scope. When Full Extract avails are submitted, Prime Video replaces all current and future avail information for a given scope. Full Extract allows a content partner to expire a license on a future date.

    Submitting a Full Delete causes all avail records of that scope to be removed from Prime Video systems. Even though a Full Delete indicates that all rights for a given scope are removed, if the Prime Video internal publishing workflows create an offer, a Full Delete isn't sufficient to automatically expire content and remove it from customer availability. Content providers should deliver a Full Extract avail with an appropriate date in the End field to take down titles with existing offers. Only use the Full Delete function to remove erroneous avail files for content that hasn't received matching metadata (e.g., if an incorrect Alt ID was used to attempt to modify an avail).

    Prime Video defines the rights model using both LicenseType and GroupIdentity. The LicenseType field specifies whether content is intended for TVOD or SVOD. Entries intended for TVOD never extract or delete entries intended for SVOD.

    The GroupIdentity field within EMA v1.7.3 specifies whether content is intended for first-party SVOD (Prime Video) or third-party SVOD (Prime Video Channels). Entries intended for Prime Video SVOD never extract or delete entries intended for Prime Video Channels. This also means that content partners must be mindful of all channels they deliver for when submitting Channels rights. If you have a title available in more than one Prime Video Channel in a single territory, you must include details for both titles when sending a Full Extract submission, because both Channels are within the same scope.

  • Language Fields: Use RFC 5646 language codes. Additionally, Prime Video supports appending :sub, :dub, :subdub, or :any after any language code to specify the type of asset associated with it. For example, if Prime Video is meant to hold back Latin American Spanish timed text in a certain territory, the associated HoldbackLanguage field should contain es-419:sub. Multiple languages can be included in all language fields; use commas to separate them. Note that the AllowedLanguage/HoldbackExclusionLanguage field and HoldbackLanguage field can't be used together.
  • Price Fields: PriceType and PriceValue are required for all TVOD (EST/VOD) rights and specific requirements vary by contract type. You can input “NA” in both PriceType and PriceValue fields where contractual terms are based on a fixed revenue-share %. You may optionally add a Suggested Retail Price in the SRP column.

    If your contract includes any variance in terms at content-type or title level, please follow the guidance below on acceptable inputs. If in any doubt, please confirm with your Account Manager.

    PriceType denotes the type of cost terms that apply. PriceType can vary across content-types (e.g. Movie EST can differ from Movie VOD) but all titles within a given content type (e.g. all Movie EST) must have the same PriceType.

    PriceValue is content specific and denotes the actual cost terms that apply to a given title in a given window.

    Depending on contractual terms, these two fields are used differently:

    • For wholesale-cost terms, PriceType should be set to WSP and PriceValue should be a monetary value e.g. 4.50, 8.99, 20.00. Non-numeric values aren’t accepted and any invalid characters will be rejected. If you prefer to use PriceType = Tier for wholesale costs, please confirm with your Account Manager.
    • For revenue-share terms, PriceType should be set as either Tier or Category. In general, Tier is used where terms are title specific (i.e. title A has different terms to title B), and Category is used where terms are not title specific (i.e. all titles within a given ‘category’ – e.g. New Release VOD – have the same terms). For both Tier and Category, the inputs for PriceValue can be defined by you (examples of acceptable inputs include: ‘Tier 1’, ‘New Release-1’, ‘NR’, ‘PVOD’, ‘Library’, ‘LIB’) BUT these inputs must be approved with your Account Manager and, once agreed, no other values can be used without prior agreement.

    PriceCurrency specifies the currency of the monetary values input in the PriceValue field for titles with PriceType WSP, and/or for monetary values input in the SRP field. This field can be left empty if the PriceType is not WSP, and SRP is empty.

    SRP specifies the Suggested Retail Price. If you wish to supply an SRP for your titles, you can do so by using the SRP column utilizing only numerical values.

  • Avails Metadata vs. Title Metadata: Descriptive title information (e.g., title, rating, director, etc.) are always be pulled from the associated title metadata submission, and not content rights.
  • Title Matching via Unique IDs: When used, the AltID, ALID, and ContentID (in v1.7.x) must be identical. This is how Prime Video matches content rights to asset metadata and title metadata.
  • Controlled Codes: Prime Video accepts a number of controlled codes for territories, languages, time, currencies, and other concepts. These codes aren't managed by Prime Video but allow for automation.
  • Start and End Terms: Specifies the length of time ("license window") content will be available on Prime Video. Start date is mandatory, but start and end times are optional. Also, if you don't enter an end date, content will be available on Prime Video indefinitely. Any future dates entered into the system must not exceed the year 9998. The following rules are required when submitting start and end dates and/or start and end times.

    • If you provide start and end dates without times, the end date must be no less than one day later than the start date.
    • If you provide start and end date with times, both dates can be the same day but start time must be earlier than the end time.

    A specific time may be supplied by using the required time format followed by the letter Z to indicate UTC (Zulu) time (2019-01-01T00:00:00Z). Also, offsets from UTC can be used to specify time zones. For example, 7:00 a.m. Standard Time in New York would be represented as: 2019-01-01T07:00:00-05:00 (UTC minus five hours). Any rights submitted without a specific time references will be made available on Prime Video based on auto-calculated rules as documented in the below table.
  • Pre-Orders: To create pre-order offers, POEST and EST Avails must be submitted together. If not submitted together, the Avails will fail ingestion (effective March 31, 2023).

Avails delivery method

Avails are delivered via Aspera. For more information, see Delivery Methods. Make sure to follow the file naming rules.

Content rights field list

The table below summarizes the available Content Rights fields along with Prime Video-specific notes.

Accepted Values lists the acceptable values or indicates the type of value expected for each field. If left blank, it indicates a string is acceptable. All inputs are limited to UTF-8 characters. Prime Video Usage indicates whether the field is required, optional, or not used by Amazon.

The following table and notes are in addition to the documentation and definitions provided by MovieLabs. Should any conflict occur between the two, notes and guidelines provided below are considered definitive for deliveries to Prime Video.

Field Name Definition & Notes Accepted Values Prime Video Usage
DisplayNameThe organization granting rights. Use the assigned Prime Video PartnerAlias to match to asset packages.Required
AssetLanguage/StoreLanguageIntended set of languages/assets to be fulfilled by licensor and the spoken language of the intended audience.Not Used
TerritoryTerritories where rights are being granted.ISO 3166-1 territory codeRequired
WorkTypeType of the work.Movie, Season, Episode, SupplementalRequired
EntryTypeThe data entry methods we will use to ingest these terms.Full Extract, Full DeleteRequired
SeriesTitleInternalAliasThe title of the series.Required for "season" and "episode"
SeriesTitleDisplayUnlimitedThe display title of the series.Optional
SeasonNumberThe number of the season.IntegerRequired for "season"
EpisodeNumberThe number of the episode.IntegerRequired for "episode"
LocalizationTypeThe localized assets that must be displayed in a territory. This field specifies whether the title must be subtitled or dubbed and works in conjunction with the HoldbackExclusionLanguage or AllowedLanguages fields when the LocalizationType is not appended directly in those fields (see descriptions of these two fields below in this table). A value of "any" or blank indicates that any sub or dub assets delivered by the partner may be published with the title. If left blank, "any" is assumed.sub, dub, subdub, anyOptional, Prime Video recommends not to use this field, and instead append LocalizationType directly in the HoldbackExclusionLanguage or AllowedLanguages fields
EpisodeTitleInternalAlias or TitleInternalAliasThe title of the feature or episode.Required
EpisodeTitleDisplayUnlimited or TitleDisplayUnlimitedThe display title of the feature or episode.Optional
SeasonTitleInternalAliasThe number of the season.Optional
SeasonTitleDisplayUnlimitedThe display title of the season.Optional
EpisodeCountThe number of episodes in the season.IntegerRequired for "Season"
SeasonCountThe number of seasons in the series.IntegerOptional
SeriesAltIDThe internal ID for the series.UTF-8 numbers/EN letters/ underscore/hyphenRequired for "season" & "episode" in v1.6. Optional for v1.7
SeasonAltIDThe internal ID for the season.UTF-8 numbers/EN letters/ underscore/hyphenRequired for "season" & "episode" in v1.6. Optional for v1.7
EpisodeAltID or AltIDThe internal ID for the feature or episode.UTF-8 numbers/EN letters/ underscore/hyphenRequired for v1.6; Optional for v1.7
LicenseTypeThe type of license being granted.EST, VOD, SVOD, AVOD, POEST, FVODRequired
LicenseRightsDescriptionContent type such as SWP (Same Week Production) or SDP (Same Day Production) should be specified in the avail License Rights Description column. For definition of content type, see Delivery SLAs. If the property is left blank, the title will be considered as Library.Optional
FormatProfileIndicates the resolution of the video covered by the terms. For SVOD, max resolution should be specified since lower resolutions are displayed based on user setup.HD, SD, 4K, UHDRequired
StartStart of term. Specific time zones may be specified by supplying offsets from UTC. For example, 7:00 a.m. Standard Time in New York would be represented as: 2019-01-01T07:00:00-05:00. (UTC minus five hours). The use of the special character Z after the time can be used to indicate Zulu time (UTC time) as in the following: 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z. If no time zone is specified, the local time in the easternmost time zone of the territory for which content is being availed will be assumed. An avail for GB with a start time of 2019-01-01T09:00:00 will be interpreted as 9 a.m. in GB. If no time is supplied, a default of 00:00:00, corresponding to the start of the day in the easternmost time zone of the territory indicated is assumed.YYYY-MM-DD or ISO 8601 Date+Time formatRequired
EndEnd of term. Specific time zones may be specified by supplying offsets from UTC. For example, 7:00 a.m. Standard Time in New York would be represented as: 2019-01-01T07:00:00-05:00. (UTC minus five hours). The use of the special character Z after the time can be used to indicate Zulu time (UTC time) as in the following: 2019-01-01T00:00:00Z. If no time zone is specified, the local time in the easternmost time zone of the territory for which content is being availed will be assumed. An avail for GB with a start time of 2019-01-01T09:00:00 will be interpreted as 9 a.m. in GB. If no time is supplied, a default of 23:59:59, corresponding to the end of the day in the easternmost time zone of the territory indicated is assumed.YYYY-MM-DD format, ISO Date+Time format, "Open" if no end date is available or, for preorders, avail must have an end date, and the EST start date must be populated to ensure both POEST and EST offers are correctly availed. Failing to submit a POEST avail without an end date and an EST start date will result in publishing errors. Note: To leave a title live indefinitely, please leave the end date empty. If you must provide an end date and need it to be effectively open ended, don't enter a year beyond 9998.Required if using Time instructions
RentalDurationTVOD: Rental period in hours.IntegerOptional
WatchDurationDuration after playback start, in hours.IntegerOptional
PriceTypeThe type of cost-terms applied to TVOD rights.NA, WSP, Tier, Category.Required for TVOD
PriceValueContent specific cost-terms

For WSP PriceType, PriceValue must be a monetary value. Non-numeric values aren’t accepted. Invalid characters will be rejected.

For Tier or Category PriceType, the list of accepted values is mutually agreed between PV and Licensor.
For NA: NA

For WSP: Monetary values (e.g., 10.49, 13.99).

For Tier/Category: Pre-defined Tier (text string)
Required for TVOD
SRPSuggested local retail price.Monetary values (e.g., 10.49, 13.99)Optional
TitleStatus1The status of an SVOD title.Signed, PendingOptional
SeriesID2EIDR series ID.ControlledOptional
SeasonID2EIDR season ID.ControlledOptional
EpisodeTitleID or TitleID2Title-level EIDR for feature or episode.ControlledOptional
EpisodeID or EditID2Edit-level EIDR for feature or episode.ControlledOptional
SuppressionLiftDateDate on which we can display the earliest EST start date.YYYY-MM-DDRequired for POEST, otherwise Optional
ReleaseYearRelease year of title in earliest-released territory.YYYYNot Used
RentalDurationRental period in hours.IntegerOptional
CaptionIncludedIf "False/No" for US, CaptionExemption is required.BooleanRequired for US
CaptionExemptionWhy is this title exempt from captions in the US? For more information, see the EMA spec.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6Required if exempt
ContractIDThe contract ID.Optional
ServiceProviderThe organization fulfilling on your behalf.Optional
HoldbackLanguageThese languages must be excluded from distribution in the specified territory/terms. If left blank, no holdbacks will be applied to the associated terms. LocalizationType values can also be appended to a language within this field. If this field is populated and there is no appended LocalizationType in this field, "any" and "subdub" are synonymous and assumed (any/all localizations of specified language are held back).RFC 5646 (":sub", ":dub", ":subdub", ":any" can be appended).Optional
HoldbackExclusionLanguage or AllowedLanguagesOnly these languages are allowed to be distributed in a specified territory/terms. Can't be used if HoldbackLanguage is populated. If HoldbackLanguage and this field are left blank, "any" is assumed. LocalizationType values can also be appended to a language within this field. If this field is populated and there is no appended LocalizationType in this field, "any" is assumed (any localizations of specified language can be displayed.RFC 5646 (":sub", ":dub", ":subdub", ":any" can be appended).Optional
GroupIdentity1The subscription to which these terms should be applied. This is important to distinguish between first-party subscriptions and third-party subscriptions, especially in Full Extract data entry methods.Optional
ALID1Logical Asset ID that references the fulfillment/content package.Required in v1.7+
SeriesContentID1Series Identifier for metadata.Required for "season" & "episode" in v1.7+
SeasonContentID1Season Identifier for metadata.Required for "season" & "episode" in v1.7+
EpisodeContentID or ContentID1Feature or Episode Identifier for metadata.Required for TV
UV_ID1Ultraviolet ID.Controlled by UV.Optional
DMA_ID1Movies Anywhere ID.Controlled by DMA.Optional
AvailIDUnique ID of the avail window/terms. Because of Prime Video’s support of prior EMA versions, AvailID is utilized in some existing avail workflows. Although the field remains optional, Prime Video recommends using the field.Optional
ExceptionFlagUse to flag when manual exceptions are required.BooleanOptional
WatchDurationDuration after playback start, in hours.IntegerOptional
OtherInstructionsOther instructions.Not Used
CompanyDisplayCreditThe name of the credited studio.Not Used
SpecialPreOrderFulfillDateUtilize only if not utilizing earliest EST start date.YYYY-MM-DDNot Used
DescriptionDescription of the transaction.Not Used
OtherTermsNot used by Prime Video.Not Used
MetadataNot used by Prime Video.Not Used
ReleaseHistoryOriginalFirst date of distribution.YYYY-MM-DDNot Used
ReleaseHistoryPhysicalHVInitial physical home video release.YYYY-MM-DDNot Used
vRatingSystemThe rating governing body. Used
RatingValueThe rating value of the title. Used
RatingReasonThe Rating Reason for the title.. Used
FixedEndDateNot used by Prime Video.Not Used
TotalRunTimeTotal Runtime.HH:MM:SS, minutesNot Used
DistributionNumber1Used for sub-volumes of a season.IntegerOptional
HDR1High Dynamic Range.Boolean, "DV" (DolbyVision), "HDR10"Optional
WCG1Wide Color Gamut.BooleanNot Used
HFR1High Frame Rate.BooleanNot Used
NGAudio1Next Generation Audio.BooleanNot Used
PriceCurrency1The currency associated to PriceValue inputs (when PriceType is WSP) or SRP.ISO 4217 currency codeRequired, can only be left empty if the PriceType is not WSP, and SRP is empty.
ReportingID1Additional ID for reporting.Not Used
AnnounceDate1The date For pre-orders when can we announce customer availability.YYYY-MM-DDOptional
TerritoryExcluded1The territories to be excluded if there is a large set of included territories.ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codeOptional
Director1The director of the content.Not Used
StartLag1Positive or negative lag relative to start field.ISO 8601 durationNot Used
EndLag1Positive or negative lag relative to end field.ISO 8601 durationNot Used
WindowDuration1Duration of window. (Actual end = the lower of (End + EndLag) and (Start + Duration).ISO 8601 durationNot Used
Download1Can this title be downloaded?BooleanOptional
Exclusivity1Is this window exclusive to Prime Video?BooleanOptional
ExclusiveAttributes1The type of exclusivity rights granted to Amazon.Optional
BrandingRights1Does Prime Video have rights to brand this content?True,False,blankOptional, Rejected if the value doesn’t match any of the Accepted Values
BrandingRightsAttributes1The type of branding rights granted to Amazon.Optional
RequiredFulfillmentLanguages1Required set of assets/languages to be fulfilled by licensor.RFC 5646 (":sub", ":dub", ":subdub", ":any" can be appended).Optional

1 Indicates that a field was introduced in EMA v1.7+.

2 The purpose of all ContentID fields have transitioned from fields that identify EIDR values in EMA v1.6 to fields that identify the Title Metadata files in EMA v1.7+. Proper mapping will be performed by Amazon based on versions of EMA inputs.

Currency map per territory

If a content provider submits avails for a territory without a default currency mapped, a default currency will be added to versions EMA 1.7+ and EMA 1.6 avails per the following currency-to-territory mapping table:

Country/region Country/region code Currency Currency code
Aland IslandsAXEurosEUR
AlgeriaDZAlgerian DinarDZD
American SamoaASUSDUSD
AngolaAOAngolan kwanzaAOA
AntarcticaAQAntarctican dollarAQD
Antigua and BarbudaAGEast Caribbean DollarXCD
AustralianAUAustralian DollarsAUD
BahamasBSBahamian DollarBSD
BahrainBHBahraini DinarBHD
BarbadosBBBarbadian DollarBBD
BelarusBYBelarus RubleBYR
BelizeBZBelizean DollarBZD
BhutanBTIndian RupeeINR
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and SabaBQEurosEUR
Bosnia and HerzegovinaBABosnia and Herzegovina convertible markBAM
Bouvet IslandBVNorwegian KroneNOK
British Indian Ocean TerritoryIOSterlingGBP
Brunei DarussalamBNBruneian DollarBND
Burkina FasoBFCFA Franc BCEAOXOF
BurundiBIBurundi FrancBIF
CanadaCACanadian DollarCAD
Cape VerdeCVEscudoCVE
Cayman IslandsKYSterlingGBP
Central African RepublicCFCFA Franc BEACXAF
ChileCLChilean PesoCLP
ChinaCNYuan RenminbiCNY
Christmas IslandCXAustralian DollarsAUD
Cocos (Keeling) IslandsCCAustralian DollarsAUD
ComorosKMComoran FrancKMF
Congo (Kinshasa)CDCongolese FrankCDF
Congo-BrazzavilleCGCFA Franc BEACXAF
Cook IslandsCKNew Zealand DollarsNZD
Costa RicaCRCosta Rican ColonCRC
Croatia (Hrvatska)HRCroatian DinarHRK
CubaCUCuban PesoCUP
CyprusCYCypriot PoundCYP
Czech RepublicCZKorunaCZK
DenmarkDKDanish KroneDKK
DjiboutiDJDjiboutian FrancDJF
DominicaDMEast Caribbean DollarXCD
Dominican RepublicDODominican PesoDOP
East TimorTPIndonesian RupiahIDR
EgyptEGEgyptian PoundEGP
El SalvadorSVSalvadoran ColonSVC
Equatorial GuineaGQCFA Franc BEACXAF
EritreaEREthiopian BirrETB
EstoniaEEEstonian KroonEEK
EthiopiaETEthiopian BirrETB
Falkland Islands (Malvinas)FKSterlingGBP
Faroe IslandsFODanish KroneDKK
FijiFJFijian DollarFJD
French GuianaGFEurosEUR
French PolynesiaPFEurosEUR
French Southern TerritoriesTFEurosEUR
GhanaGHGhana cediGHS
GreenlandGLDanish KroneDKK
GrenadaGDEast Caribbean DollarXCD
GuineaGNGuinean FrancGNF
Guinea-BissauGWCFA Franc BCEAOXOF
GuyanaGYGuyanaese DollarGYD
Heard and Mc Donald IslandsHMAustralian DollarsAUD
IcelandISIcelandic KronaISK
IndiaINIndian RupeeINR
IndonesiaIDIndonesian RupiahIDR
Iran (Islamic Republic of)IRIranian RialIRR
IraqIQIraqi DinarIQD
Isle of ManIMSterlingGBP
JamaicaJMJamaican DollarJMD
JapanJPJapanese YenJPY
JordanJOJordanian DinarJOD
KenyaKEKenyan ShillingKES
KiribatiKIAustralian DollarsAUD
Korea NorthKPWonKPW
Korea SouthKRWonKRW
KuwaitKWKuwaiti DinarKWD
Lao People's Democratic RepublicLAKipLAK
LebanonLBLebanese PoundLBP
LiberiaLRLiberian DollarLRD
Libyan Arab JamahiriyaLYLibyan DinarLYD
LiechtensteinLISwiss FrancCHF
Macao S.A.R.MOPatacaMOP
MadagascarMGMalagasy FrancMGA
MalawiMWMalawian KwachaMWK
MaltaMTMaltese LiraMTL
Marshall IslandsMHUSDUSD
MauritiusMUMauritian RupeeMUR
Micronesia Federated States ofFMUSDUSD
Moldova Republic ofMDLeuMDL
NauruNRAustralian DollarsAUD
NepalNPNepalese RupeeNPR
Netherlands AntillesANEurosEUR
New CaledoniaNCEurosEUR
New ZealandNZNew Zealand DollarsNZD
NicaraguaNICordoba OroNIO
NiueNUNew Zealand DollarsNZD
Norfolk IslandNFAustralian DollarsAUD
Northern Mariana IslandsMPUSDUSD
NorwayNONorwegian KroneNOK
OmanOMSul RialOMR
Palestinian TerritoryPSJordanian dinarJOD
Papua New GuineaPGKinaPGK
PeruPENuevo SolPEN
Russian FederationRURubleRUB
RwandaRWRwanda FrancRWF
Saint BarthelemyBLEurosEUR
Saint HelenaSHSterlingGBP
Saint KittsKNEast Caribbean DollarXCD
Saint LuciaLCEast Caribbean DollarXCD
Saint Martin (French part)MFEurosEUR
Saint Pierre and MiquelonPMEurosEUR
Saint Vincent GrenadinesVCEast Caribbean DollarXCD
San MarinoSMEurosEUR
Sao Tome and PrincipeSTDobraSTD
Saudi ArabiaSARiyalSAR
SerbiaRSSerbian dinarRSD
Sierra LeoneSLLeoneSLL
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)SXEurosEUR
Slovakia (Slovak Republic)SKKorunaSKK
Solomon IslandsSBSolomon Islands DollarSBD
South AfricaZARandZAR
South Georgia and the South Sandwich IslandsGSSterlingGBP
Sri LankaLKRupeeLKR
SurinameSRSurinamese GuilderSRD
Svalbard and Jan Mayen IslandsSJNorwegian KroneNOK
SwitzerlandCHSwiss FrancCHF
Syrian Arab RepublicSYSyrian PoundSYP
TajikistanTJTajikistan RubleTJS
TokelauTKNew Zealand DollarsNZD
Trinidad and TobagoTTTrinidad and Tobago DollarTTD
TunisiaTNTunisian DinarTND
Turks and Caicos IslandsTCSterlingGBP
TuvaluTVAustralian DollarsAUD
United Arab EmiratesAEDirhamAED
United KingdomGBSterlingGBP
United StatesUSUSDUSD
United States Minor Outlying IslandsUMUSDUSD
Vatican City State (Holy See)VAEurosEUR
Virgin Islands (British)VGSterlingGBP
Virgin Islands (US)VIUSDUSD
Wallis and Futuna IslandsWFEurosEUR
Western SaharaEHDirhamMAD
ZimbabweZWZimbabwe DollarZWD

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