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Artwork delivery

To review artwork asset requirements, go to Artwork requirements. To successfully deliver artwork assets to Prime Video, artwork files (.jpg, .png) must be uploaded to Aspera and references must be included in either Media Entertainment Core (MEC) or Media Manifest Core (MMC).


Purpose references are used in the MEC and MMC to identify the type of images being delivered. Image purpose is supported differently according to title level type (episode, movie, seasons). Refer to the following table for purpose usage guidance:

Image type

Aspect ratio

Title type

Purpose MMC and MEC

Cover Art


Movies and Seasons


Box Art




Box Art




Poster Art


Movies and Seasons


Hero (Background) Art


Movies and Seasons


Title Art


Movies and Seasons


Episodic Art




Trailer & Bonus Art


Trailers & Bonus


Language-locale and Region behavior

  • Language-locale: This is a required field for all artwork references. It identifies the language of the artwork being delivered. For example, artwork delivered with pt-BR signifies that the artwork has been localized in the Brazilian Portuguese language.
  • Region This is an optional field. If no Region field is provided, artwork will be eligible to be leveraged on the storefront globally. It identifies a specific territory the artwork is indented to be displayed in. Region should be used sparingly for cases like compliance versions, when there's a specific need to block artwork from being used globally. Although region-specific delivery is supported, we also require at least one Global artwork delivery per image type (box art and cover art) for Seasons and Movies.

    When artwork is eligible to be displayed globally, it allows customers to be served with a customized experience driven by their UI language preference. For example, a customer living in Canada with Spanish set as their UI language would see Spanish artwork if it was delivered without a region value.

MMC references

MMC is the preferred method to submit artwork references as it’s simpler to reference localized artwork and unlike, MEC, has no reliance on title metadata. MMC can be utilized to ingest original language and localized artwork files by providing purpose, language, and region values.

The following table lists artwork-relevant fields in the MMC manifest:

Field Definition & notes Accepted values Usage


Identifies all individual assets being delivered as part of the package (e.g., mezzanine files, timed text, audio, etc.) along with asset-specific metadata.   Required




ID used to reference the image throughout the MMC.   Required for image delivery


Identifies the type of artwork being delivered and determines placement. boxart, cover, hero, poster, title Required


Identifies the language of the artwork being delivered. Prime Video acceptable languages Required


Width, in pixels, of the image being delivered. String (i.e. 1920) Optional


Height, in pixels, of the image being delivered. String (i.e. 1080) Optional


Used to identify artwork that is specific to a region and should not be displayed elsewhere, such as compliance versions. If not included, artwork will be considered eligible to be displayed in all regions.   Optional


Used to identify artwork that is specific to a region and shouldn't be displayed elsewhere, like compliance versions. If not included, artwork will be considered eligible to be displayed in all regions. Region Optional


Used to identify artwork that is specific to a region and shouldn't be displayed elsewhere, like compliance versions. If not included, artwork will be considered eligible to be displayed in all regions. Country codes  


A list of Picture Groups. Selection of images associated with a title or series.   Required


The picture group ID which refers to the parent (movie, episode or series) Content ID. md:picturegroupid:[scheme]:[SSID].   Required for image delivery


Required by the XSD, not used by Prime Video. Value is ignored; can be blank Not used, but required


ID used to reference the image throughout the MMC.   Required for image delivery


The Experience section of the MMC groups together Presentations and/or Playable Sequences along with Picture Groups to define the customer experience.   Required


ID used to reference the Experience throughout the MMC.   Required


Relates ALIDs to the Experiences associated with that content.   Required


Experiences can be localized and so a single ALID can only map to one Experience   Required


A Logical Asset ID (ALID) is used to identify a set of content (i.e. a Logical Asset) associated with avails in an EMA Avails submission   Required




One Presentation instance is required for each set of conformed tracks. Not required for partial MMC delivery only including artwork references. Required by AudioVisual

For a full list of all MMC-supported fields, see MMC asset manifest.

MMC partial image delivery

Artwork files can be referenced independently of other assets or as part of the complete asset package MMC.

  • Partial MMCs should only contain Inventory objects for assets included in the updated package. There is no need to declare Inventory for previously delivered assets to Prime Video.
  • Only declare Presentations when they contain assets that are present in the MMC Inventory and in the package.

    When only referencing artwork assets, Presentations should be excluded from the MMC.

  • The ALID is the only ID that must match between an initial package and an updated package containing new assets.

The following is an example of a partial MMC for a movie title referencing artwork assets only:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manifest:MediaManifest xmlns:manifest="" xmlns:md="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" manifest-v1.5.xsd">
<!-- Regionless English Movie Cover Art to be displayed Globally -->
   <manifest:Image ImageID="">
<!-- Regionless English Movie Box Art to be displayed Globally -->
   <manifest:Image ImageID="">
<!-- Regionless English Movie Hero Art to be displayed Globally -->
   <manifest:Image ImageID="">
<!-- Regionless English Movie Title Art to be displayed Globally -->
   <manifest:Image ImageID="">
<!-- English Movie Box Art with region, to be displayed in US and CA only -->
   <manifest:Image ImageID="">
      <manifest:PictureGroup PictureGroupID="md:picturegroup:org:partneralias:title_SKU:picturegroup">
<!-- PictureID is required by the XSD, but is not needed by Amazon -->
<!-- Root Experience -->
      <manifest:Experience ExperienceID="md:picturegroup:org:partneralias:title_SKU:picturegroup:experience" version="1.0">

Classic Artwork deliveries via MMC

Prime Video can now support delivery and/or replacement of artwork for titles which were previously delivered to Classic Marketplaces (US, DE, JP, GB) by leveraging the current MMC spec as explained in Video Central. Please note MEC artwork references are not supported for this specific use case (Classic Titles).

Supported Artwork Types (all):


Purpose in the MMC Type Movies Series Level Season Level Episode Level Trailer & Bonus
boxart Box art


cover Cover art


poster Poster art


hero Hero art


title Title art


cover Episodic art      

cover Trailer & Bonus art        

Delivery Specs 

Please make sure to use the same partner alias and SKU used when the Classic title was initially created. Specs are identical to MMC Global specs, all artwork types, language locales, and regions are supported.


What if I have the same sku and partner alias combination is active across multiple marketplaces?
If the same SKU and partner alias combination was used across different marketplaces, the new artwork deliveries will be placed across all matching titles. For example, if en-US (no region) cover art is delivered for the_boys and this SKU is present under the same partner alias for a DE, US and Global titles, then an en-US cover art will be placed for those 3 titles and eligible to be displayed Globally according to rights availability and customers’ preferred language. In cases where the artwork should only be used in a specific territory, please leverage the region value in the MMC.

Do I have to identify the marketplace (US, DE, JP, GB) of a title when I submit the MMC?

No, simply use the intended SKU and partner alias and the artwork will be placed under the title(s) matching that combination.

Since I’m using an MMC, is it okay to include other asset references such as video, audio or timed text?
No, we currently only support artwork delivery for Classic titles via MMC. Please do not include references to other assets.

MEC references

While MEC is primarily used to deliver title metadata (synopsis, actors, ratings, etc.), it can also be used to communicate artwork references.

When leveraging MEC for artwork delivery, an ArtReference field within the LocalizedInfo section must be present. This allows you to reference multiple pieces of artwork for a single title and to communicate metadata elements about the artwork, like resolution, purpose, and language.

Language, filename, and purpose must be included within each LocalizedInfo section. The language-locale for your artwork should align to the localized title metadata provided in a given LocalizedInfo section.

When submitting a full MEC containing title metadata and artwork references, the artwork references will be tagged with the language entered for the corresponding LocalizedInfo block. Make sure that the artwork being delivered matches the language submitted. If you need to submit artwork in a language which doesn't match the main metadata language provided, a second LocalizedInfo block must be entered and must include the required metadata fields (TitleDisplayUnlimited and Summary400) with the corresponding ArtReference artwork references. This use case is captured in the .xml sample file in MEC and MMC Samples with Artwork References.

The following table lists artwork-relevant fields in MEC title metadata:

Field name Definition & Notes Accepted values Usage
LocalizedInfo Includes elements that may be localized.   Required
@Language Identifies the language of the artwork being delivered. Prime Video acceptable languages Required
@Region Identifies artwork that is specific to a region and should not be displayed elsewhere, like compliance versions. If not included, artwork will be considered eligible to be displayed in all regions. Country codes Optional
ArtReference At least one ArtReference per title is required when referencing artwork.   Required
@Resolution Resolution of the artwork being delivered. String in the form colXrow
(e.g., 1920x1080 is artwork 1920 pixels wide and 1080 pixels tall)
@Purpose Identifies the type of artwork being delivered and determines placement. boxart, cover, hero, poster, title Required

MEC partial image delivery

MEC can be leveraged to deliver artwork independent of title metadata with an added md:Profile which relaxes parsing validations.

The following is an example of a partial MEC for a movie title referencing artwork assets only:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mdmec:CoreMetadata xmlns:mdmec="" xmlns:md="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ../mdmec-v2.9.xsd">
<!-- Profile CM-IMAGE-1 indicates that this file conforms to image-only profile. Amazon will not parse any title metadata from the file when this profile is provided -->
   <mdmec:Basic ContentID="md:cid:org:partneralias:titlesku">
<!-- English artwork with region, to be displayed in US only-->
      <md:LocalizedInfo language="en-US">
         <md:ArtReference purpose="boxart">box_art_US.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="cover">cover_art_US.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="hero">hero_art_US.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="poster">poster_art_US.jpg</md:ArtReference>
<!-- Regionless English artwork intended to be used Globally-->
      <md:LocalizedInfo language="en-US">
         <md:ArtReference purpose="boxart">box_art_en_global.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="cover">cover_art_en_global.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="hero">hero_art_en_global.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="poster">poster_art_en_global.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="title">title_art_en_global.png</md:ArtReference>
<!-- Regionless Brazilian Portuguese artwork intended to be used Globally-->
      <md:LocalizedInfo language="pt-BR">
         <md:ArtReference purpose="boxart">box_art_pt_br.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="cover">cover_art_pt_br.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="poster">poster_art_pt_br.jpg</md:ArtReference>
         <md:ArtReference purpose="title">title_art_pt_br_global.png</md:ArtReference>
<!-- MEC spec requires ReleaseYear and WorkType. When delivering with CM-IMAGE-1, Amazon will ignore these values. -->
      <md:AssociatedOrg organizationID="partneralias" role="licensor" />

MMC and MEC samples

MEC schema errors

Error message Cause
More than one instance of LocalizedInfo is provided for the same language. There are duplicate LocalizedInfo blocks (by type and region).
If providing Region values, one LocalizedInfo element for that language must apply for all territories (no Region override). There is no region-less block.

An unexpected error occurred. Please try again later.
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