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Languages, style guides, and genres


A list of accepted language-LOCALE codes can be downloaded below. Please follow the locale capitalization in the Excel workbook exactly or submission and publishing errors might occur. For example, en-US, not en-us.

Download icon Download Prime Video Language-Locale codes Excel workbook

Language-specific style guides

Prime Video has created Language-Specific Style Guides for localization. These guidelines encompass in-market industry standards, local preferences, and timed-text technical specifications. By following these comprehensive guidelines, users can ensure consistency across all content types on Prime Video.

Download icon   Download Prime Video Localization and Technical Style Guides


Genre is a required field under the LocalizedInfo attribute of the MEC entered into the @id field under the Genre category. At least one genre code must be supplied for successful delivery validation. A maximum of three unique genres are accepted for each title. If you supply more than three unique genres in your MEC, encoding will fail and publishing will be blocked. For example, Action – Epic and Action – Historical are considered two genres.

If you provide multiple LocalizedInfo attributes, there is no need to re-enter a previously referenced genre in each LocalizedInfo field as your first entry is sufficient. For example, if genres are provided under en-US metadata, you don't need to re-enter for the pt-BR metadata block.

A list of available genres for each marketplace can be downloaded below. Genres submitted in metadata must match these lists exactly, including spaces. Use this documentation to help correctly classify content submitted to Prime Video.

Download icon Download Prime Video Genres Excel workbook

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