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Title requests

The Title Requests tab within Video Central allows you to view requests for assets for each title, and the fulfillment status of these requests (e.g., completed, missing). This data populates for titles Prime Video expects to receive from you, based on the contract you have signed with us. These requests are automatically generated and added to your account. Additionally, Prime Video provides a CSV report in Video Central available for download. This report is automatically generated daily, and Prime Video overwrites all previous reports, ensuring only the most recent report is available for download. Below is an overview of both the Title Requests UI and the daily report.

Title Requests UI

Within Title Requests, we will consolidate all the title expectations we have for you, so you can easily tell:

  • Missing title part deliveries
  • Deliveries that may have open errors
  • Completed deliveries by title
  • Asset specifications (e.g., HD/SD/4:3 image)
  • Error messages for submitted files
  • Expected delivery dates

Expect to see this information populate in Title Requests within 10 days of signing an agreement with Prime Video and/or within 24 hours of delivering avails.

Screenshot of the Title Requests page

The Part Request column details what combination of assets are required. For example, you may only be obligated to deliver either subtitles or dubs to fulfill a deal. You may see an and or or indicated in the Part Request column to show what combination is required.

Screenshot of the Request Types section

In the above example, there is a Single request, a Complex: "0 OR 1" request, a Complex: "0 OR 1 OR 2" request, and a Complex: "(0 AND 1) OR 2" request. Please see below for request definitions:

Request Types

Type Definition

Only a single asset type is required to fulfill the request.

Complex: "0 OR 1" request

This request requires either one of two types of assets to fulfill the request. For example, either closed captions or subtitles in the above example would fulfill the request.

Complex: "0 OR 1 OR 2" request

This request requires one of three types of assets to fulfill the request. For example, either dubs, subtitles or closed captions would fulfill the request.

Complex: "(0 AND 1) OR 2" request

This request requires one of two types of assets, but depending on the type of asset delivered, a third asset may be required. For example, this request could be fulfilled by either dubs in English or German. However, if a German dub is provided, a German dub card would be required.

Request Validation

Title Requests includes delivery data to provide asset validation. If you see a red exclamation point next to the delivered asset, click the name of the asset to obtain validation details. This is the same asset validation that displays within Deliveries. If an asset fails validation, redelivery is required.

Screenshot of the validation failures dialog box

Request CSV Report

Additionally, Prime Video provides a CSV report in Video Central available for download. This report is automatically generated daily, and Prime Video overwrites all previous reports, ensuring only the most recent report is available for download. This feature will enable you to filter data and send your own custom reports for in-house teams or to generate purchase orders for your post-houses. Because the Requests Report doesn't update dynamically, you may not see the most current information within the report. Please reference the Requests dashboard for the most up-to-date delivery information.

Screenshot of the Deliveries tab

Requests Report Field Glossary

Field Definition

Your partner delivery account identifier.

Business Line

TVOD/Prime (SVOD).


Unique ID you provided at the time of deal signature. If you didn’t provide a unique ID, we have generated one for you.

Series Title (if episodic)

Name of the series for this SKU.

Title name

Name of the movie, series, season, or episode associated with the SKU.

Season number (if episodic)

Season number for this SKU.

Episode number (if episodic)

Episode number for this SKU.

Request ID

Reference ID for use when discussing any questions with your operations account manager. Not required to reference in delivery workflows.

Request created On

Timestamp when we created the request (UTC).

Request updated On

Time at which the request was last updated (by creation, attempted or successful fulfillment, and/or error) (UTC).

Request due date

Time at which the request will be marked "late" if unfulfilled (UTC).


Whether this element is required or optional to deliver.

Requirement ID

Reference ID for use when discussing a particular requirement or condition for fulfilling the request referenced by the Request ID.

Requirement Condition

Specifies the way in which a request (referenced by a Request ID) can be fulfilled by fulfilling any or all requirements referenced by Requirement IDs (that share the same Request ID).

Requirement type

Element type required to be delivered (mezzanine, captions, subtitles, forced narratives, image, or metadata).


Language requirement for the requested asset type.

Timed Text type

Timed text type, subtitles, closed captions, or forced subtitles expected for this request.

Video Type

Specifies if the expected asset is for the full content or a trailer.

Video Resolution

Specifies the expected video resolution of HD, UHD, or SD.

Dynamic Range

Specified UHD/HDR for titles in US, UK, Germany, and Japan.

Audio Type

Specifies expected delivery of discrete audio files containing localized dubs or descriptive audio.

Original Version

Specifies whether the original version is expected.

Image Type

Specifies if the requested asset is a key art.

Work Type

Specifies if this request is associated with an episode, movie, series, or season.

Aspect Ratio

The aspect ratio expected for the requested video asset.


Specifies whether the asset is required for the Global or Classic marketplace (US, UK, Germany, and Japan).

Request Status

(unfulfilled) or closed (fulfilled).

Request Fulfilled On

The timestamp when the request was fulfilled (UTC).

Delivered File

The delivery that matched the request based on the information you provided in the manifest or the SKU.

Delivery Account

Specifies the account that made the delivery of the request.

Error Messages

If we receive a file associated with the request and it encounters any errors, those error messages are shown here.


What can I do in Title Requests?
How can I request/access this information?
Why should I use Title Requests?
When will asset requests show up on the Title Requests tab?
I have delivered all assets, but it is still showing up as Open in Title Requests. Why?
For TVOD, I submitted an avail with a set of titles and they show up in my report on the Title Requests tab, but I no longer plan to deliver them. How can I remove them from the report?
Where do the asset requests found on the Title Requests tab come from?
How are requests marked as closed/removed?
How are you determining the due date for asset requests?
What types of status messages will I see?
Do I have to change my current delivery workflow see information in Requests?
Where can I access help documentation?
Will I still have access to my Prime Video contacts?
How do I get access to Video Central and the Title Requests tab?
Do I need to pay anything to access Title Requests?
Why can’t I see delivery details for some fulfilled requests?

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