In One Catalog, all steady state artwork delivery is required to use Aspera and MEC/MMC references. Steady state artwork types include box art, cover art, hero art, and episodic art. Alternative artwork delivery methods (NetX1, email) are no longer supported.
Required artwork typesAfter One Catalog onboarding, all steady state artwork delivery is required. When delivering a title to Prime Video, the following artwork types must be included:
Movies |
Series level |
Season level |
Episode level |
Box art |
Cover art |
Hero art |
Episodic art |
1 If you're using NetX for other image delivery (marketing, merchandising special request), there is no impact.
All content partners using multiple partner aliases with different underlying contractual terms must continue using those unique partner aliases for existing business lines after One Catalog migration.
MEC delivery requires Global (One Ring) genres to be supplied and previously used US, GB, JP, and DE genres will no longer be ingested. For more information on supported genres, see Languages and genres.
Previously delivered files in Classic Specs aren't eligible for re-availing after title windows have expired. If new rights are being added to a title delivered in Classic Specs, you must deliver a new package (MEC, MMC, playable assets, artwork) to successfully publish.
To support vertical positioning, all Japanese subtitles must be delivered in the Lambda (.cap) file format.
Prime Video now supports delivery of Partial MEC contributions, allowing additional localized metadata to be delivered via incremental "new language only" MEC submissions. When adding new language and territory metadata to an existing title, please only include the new contributions in the MEC. All previously delivered metadata will be maintained.
Make sure to indicate asset holdbacks in the EMA avails when needed. If Allowed Languages is used, video muxed audio language needs to be allowed in the avails. For more information, see Language holdback and allowed languages.
Fanout territories are exhibition rights associated with a main market such as United Kingdom, Germany, or the United States.
As an example, Germany typically allows exhibition rights in Austria and German-speaking Switzerland. The UK permits exhibition in Jersey, Ireland, and Isle of Man. However, because each content partner manages territory "fan-out" differently, Prime Video can't assume which additional markets content partner's permit rights exploitation. Therefore, Prime Video has discontinued automated territory fan-outs in all instances.
For more information, see Fanout territories.
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