SVOD payments process - Prime Video Tech Docs

SVOD payments process

Last updated 2025-01-13

This information serves as guidance about the payments process for Prime Video Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD) Fixed Fee contracts.

Account setup

Partners are responsible for adding their respective company’s account, payment, and tax information to the Prime Video Slate portal. This information is used when payments are issued by our automated payment system.

To complete account setup, the following details are required.

Company details:

  • Name and address of company. (This should match the information that is listed in the “Licensor” section of the SVOD contract.)

Banking details:
You can add your banking details in the Account settings > Payees, bank, and tax section of your Slate account.

  • Find the desired Payee name in the list and click the edit icon for that row.
  • Add your banking details under the Add your bank account section.

Adding banking details is the partner’s responsibility. Prime Video cannot add your banking details for you. Failure to add banking details promptly may result in payment delays. If you need to change existing banking details, follow the guidance in Banking information.

Tax information:

  • Tax inputs must be provided for each of the respective Amazon entities included in your license agreement. (If are unsure of those entities, this information can be found in your signed contract.)
  • Taxation rates are calculated automatically, based on the inputs provided in your tax questionnaire. Once you have completed the questionnaire, the applied withholding rate will be visible next to the respective tax country. If you believe the withholding rate is incorrect, please revisit the answers you provided in your tax questionnaire.

Tax support guidance can be found in the Tax information FAQs. You can also reach the Slate support team via the Contact Us feature.

Billing preferences:

Invoices will be automatically generated in your portal close to the payment due date. The invoice type, and whether you would like these to require approvals on your side, is dependent on the billing preferences you select in your portal. The following list outlines the options that are available to you. Please note that only certain options are available, depending on the Amazon entity that you will be paid from. (Amazon entity information is available in your signed SVOD agreement.)

  • No billing
    • Automatic payments without invoicing or further action. This billing preference is pre-selected if permissible by local law.
    • Eligible marketplaces:,
  • Self billing (preferred option where available)
    • Amazon pays you automatically, generates an invoice for each payment, and approves invoices for you. You must grant Amazon permissions to approve invoices by agreeing to the Self-Billing terms and conditions and renewing your billing agreement on this page annually.
    • Eligible marketplaces:,
  • Amazon Rendered Billing
    • Your action is required before payment can be delivered. Amazon will generate an invoice for you, but you must review the invoice and approve it on the invoices page.
    • Eligible marketplaces:,

Entity key
The following table lists the Amazon entities that are available per marketplace. Use this key to match the Amazon entity listed in your SVOD contract to the corresponding marketplace you see in your Slate portal.

Amazon entity
Amazon Digital UK Limited (titles licensed in UK territories)
Amazon Digital UK Limited (titles licensed in EU territories) Services LLC Sales, Inc

Get paid

Prime Video operates an automated payment system. Instalments are configured by an operator in our system based on the payment terms of your signed SVOD agreement.


  • We operate an automatic invoicing process, which means you will not need to submit any invoices in order for payments to be issued.
  • For payments that are dependent on milestone completion (such as delivery of content). please ensure confirmation of milestone completion is sent to the contacts listed in the contract, as well as to Payment dates will then be adjusted accordingly in our system by an operator.
  • If you have a business requirement to submit a manual invoice, it can be sent here: (Note that this does not have any impact on payments. They will continue to flow through the automated system.)


  • Remittance advice is sent prior to payment to the email addresses that are listed in the Email section of your company profile in your Slate account.
    • You can edit your company profile to remove or add additional recipients from within your Slate portal. If you’re adding multiple email addresses, please separate them with a comma.
  • To review remittances in your Slate portal, click the Financial dropdown menu and select Invoices and payments.
    • To view additional payment details, click the more options icon in the Actions column and select Show payment details.

Payment schedules:

You can download payment schedules from the Insights > Reports page in your Slate account.

  1. Click the Business Reports tab.
  2. Find the section titled SVOD.
  3. Select the desired payee setup from the dropdown list.
  4. Click the download icon.

Payment schedules are only available for download once the title in question has a confirmed start date in our system. (Typically, this is confirmed in the month of launch.) If you are unable to download a payment schedule for your title(s), this is likely because the start date is not yet confirmed in our system. We cannot provide a payment schedule until a start date is confirmed.

Manage your account

Add users:

You can add new users to your Slate account if you are an admin user yourself.

  1. Click the Account settings dropdown, and select Users and permissions.
  2. Click the Activate user button.
    The person you are adding will need to obtain their user code from

For more information, see User access and permissions. You can also reach the Slate support team via the Contact Us feature. Select a topic from the dropdown list and fill out the question form.

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