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Use of Prime Video Preferred Vendor Logo/Badge

  1. Use of Prime Video Preferred Vendor Logo

    Provided that: (a) you are an eligible participant in the Preferred Vendor Program (b) you comply at all times with the terms of the Amazon Advertising Agreement, Conditions of Use, the Prime Preferred Vendor Program Conditions, and the Privacy Notice; and (c) subject to Section 2 ("Requirements") below, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-transferable permission, under and only to the limited extent of our intellectual property rights in and to the Preferred Vendor logo, to display the most recent version of Preferred logo (a.k.a., program badge) on your website or in your offline materials (e.g., in any printed material, mailing, or other documents) solely to indicate your participation in the Preferred Vendor Program. This includes use of the Preferred Vendor logo on trade show booths, sales material, and similar uses.

    Your limited permission to use the Preferred Vendor logo will automatically terminate and you must immediately stop using the Preferred Vendor logo if at any time you cease to participant in the Preferred Vendor Program.

  2. Requirements

    The requirements apply to each individual element of your product offering, ad creative, or promotional material (e.g. website, sales material, order forms, banner ads, email newsletters, printed materials, or other advertising, etc.). In other words, anywhere you or your company may mention your participation in the Preferred Vendor Program.

    1. Eligibility for use: Confirmed Prime Preferred Vendor companies may use the program logo/badge below:

      Preferred Vendor Fulfillment Localization logo Preferred Vendor Fulfillment logo Preferred Vendor Localization logo

    2. General Guidelines for usage of the Preferred Vendor logo: When using the Preferred Vendor logo/badge you must comply by the following general guidelines, in conjunction with the Amazon Advertising Agreement, Conditions of Use, the Prime Fulfilment Vendor Program Conditions, and the Privacy Notice and all other rules and policies related to the Program Sites you are accessing (collectively, the "Affiliated Rules and Policies"):

      1. Keep the focus on your company. The Preferred Vendor logo/badge should not be more prominent than your logo. On any email or mail campaigns, it needs to be clear that the correspondence is not from Prime Video, but from your company. Additionally, you may not mention Prime Video or Preferred Vendor in the subject line of any e-mails or on the outside of any direct mail pieces.
      2. Prohibited brand usage. You may not use any Prime Video brand, including the Preferred Vendor logo/badge, to disparage Amazon or Prime Video, its products or services, or partners in a manner which, in Prime Video’s sole discretion, may diminish or otherwise damage or tarnish Amazon’s or Prime Video’s goodwill.
      3. Prime Video is not a partner, investor, or sponsor. Your use of the Prime Video logo, including the Preferred Vendor logo/badge, should not imply a formal business partnership, investor relationship, or sponsorship of your promotions without written approval or consent.
      4. You are a participant in the Preferred Vendor Program. Only active participants are allowed to use the Preferred Vendor logo/badge and must follow the procedures highlighted below:
        1. Termination of your participation from the program is at Prime Video’s sole discretion and immediate removal of the Preferred Vendor logo/badge must be adhered to within 48-hours from the notification of termination. Proof of removal of brand and logo for all websites and marketing material must be provided to the Preferred Vendor Program within the 48-hour timeframe.
        2. Any changes to your ownership structure or acquisitions (M&A) requires a notification to the Preferred Vendor program. The notification must be formal and submitted in writing. The notification may prompt a re-evaluation of your Preferred Vendor status and could affect usage of your badge should our evaluation terminate your participation in the program.

      5. URLs. Do not use "Prime Video" or "Preferred Vendor Program" or any of the Prime Video trademarks within any domain name. You may use "Prime Video" or "Preferred Vendor Program" to the right of the top level domain in a URL provided your usage is accurate.

        Not Permissible:

        Prime Video may request removal of a URL that is in violation of these guidelines.

      6. Modification of Logos: You must comply with our Trademark Guidelines found at: Our trademarks should not be altered in any way.
      7. Right to Audit: Prime Video may periodically perform random audits of your materials to ensure compliance with these requirements. If an item is selected for review, Prime Video will contact you directly.

    Prime Video reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify these Preferred Vendor Program Logo Guidelines at any time and to take appropriate action against any use without permission or any use that does not conform to these requirements.

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