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Artwork specifications


  • Cover art is 16:9 artwork that appears in browse when viewing multiple titles together, usually in carousels. The title treatment (movie title) must be present on the cover art.
  • Box art is 3:4 (movies) or 4:3 (seasons) artwork that appears in search. The title treatment (movie title) must be present on the box art.
  • Poster art is 2:3 artwork that appears in browse when viewing multiple titles together, usually in carousels. The title treatment (movie or series title) must be present on the poster art.
  • Hero art is 16:9 artwork used as the main background on detail pages behind the title metadata (main title, rating, synopsis). This artwork must be free of any text elements unless it's a part of the overall image, e.g., a sign behind the protagonist with text on it.
  • Title art is the movie or season title treatment delivered in .png file format with a transparent background. Bright colors are recommended as the title art must provide high contrast against a dark background. This asset is supported for movies and seasons and appears on a title's detail page.
  • Episodic art is 16:9 artwork providing episodic context without revealing "spoilers" and appears on detail pages alongside the episode. This is usually a still from the episode and must be free of any text elements unless it is a part of the overall image (e.g., a sign behind the protagonist with text on it).
  • Trailer & Bonus art is 16:9 artwork capturing context for the trailer or bonus content. This is usually a still from the trailer or bonus and must be free of any text elements unless it's a part of the overall image (e.g., a sign behind the protagonist with text on it).
Movies artwork
Sample screenshot of Movie Box Art

Box Art

Sample screenshot of Movie Poster Art

Poster Art

Sample screenshot of Movie Cover Art

Cover Art

Sample screenshot of Movie Hero Art

Hero Art

Sample screenshot of Title Art

Title Art
Transparent background
Flexible aspect ratio

Season Level artwork
Sample screenshotof Season Level Box Art

Box Art

Sample screenshot of Season Level Hero Art

Poster Art

Sample screenshot of Season Level Cover Art

Cover Art

Sample screenshot of Season Level Hero Art

Hero Art

Sample screenshot of Season Level Title Art

Title Art
Transparent background
Flexible asepct ratio

Episodic artwork
Sample screenshot

Episode 1

Sample screenshot

Episode 2

TV Trailers & Bonus Content
Sample screenshot


Sample scrrenshot


Technical specifications

Resolution and aspect ratios





File size

Cover Art
(Movies and Seasons)

1920px x 1080px or
3840px x 2160px

1920px x 1080px


10 MB

Box Art

1920px x 2560px

1200px x 1600px


10 MB

Box Art (Seasons)

2560px x 1920px

1600px x 1200px


10 MB

Poster Art (Movies and Seasons)

2000px x 3000px

2000px x 3000px


10 MB

Title Art (Movies and Seasons)

2200px x 960px

1100px x 660px


1 MB

Hero/Background Art

1920px x 1080px or
3840px x 2160px

1920px x 1080px


10 MB

Episodic Art

1920px x 1080px

1920px x 1080px


10 MB

Trailer & Bonus Art

1920px x 1080px

1920px x 1080px


10 MB

  • Cover and Hero Art that exceeds 10,000 pixels on any side or is less than 480 pixels on any side will fail ingestion.
  • Artwork that isn't the correct aspect ratio will fail ingestion.
Image attributes



Color space


Title Art must be in .png file format with a transparent background.


  • If multiple versions are available, horizontal title art is recommended instead of stacked to better occupy available space on the display page. Stacked versions are often illegible.
  • Shouldn't include any additional details such as branding, cast name, etc.
  • Use high contrast colors which works best against dark background.
  • Must be cropped from all sides.
  • Avoid the addition of small text.

Title Art placement in the title display page

Required Safe Zones
Sample scerenshot of Movie and Season Cover Art with dimensions illustrated Movie and Season Cover Art

Safe areas based on 1920px x 1080px image:

Top padding: 1920px x 160px
Left and right padding: 60px x 1080px
Bottom padding: 1920px x 240px

Sample screenshot of Movie and Season Post Art with dimensions illustrated Movie and Season Poster Art

Safe areas based on 2000px x 3000px image:

Top and bottom padding: 2000px x 240px
Left and right padding: 80px x 3000px

Sample screenshot og Hero (Background) Art with dimensions illustrated

Hero (Background) Art
We request that you place background art with visual details on the right side of the artwork. Left side is covered with UI overlay gradient and metadata on the living room and web devices.

Templates with safe zone overlays are available for download.

Prime Video aims to provide all our customers (streamers) an enjoyable and friction-less browse experience. We believe that every title has an audience to reach. Artwork is the gateway to discovering and elevating titles in our vast catalog of content. To ensure that customers have all necessary information to make a streaming decision, Artwork must resonate with its audience and provide enough information that represents its theme, genre, mood.

Artwork Text Legibility Technical and Editorial Requirements

Artwork Text legibility is a critical requirement in Artwork in order to provide the audience information about the content. When providing Artwork to Prime Video, when title treatment or text is present on Artwork, text must be clearly displayed and legible across all device types. If not, an alternate must be created and re-submitted/re-delivered to Prime Video. A common defect of non-legible text can be seen in smaller devices (such as mobile).

The intention of this guide is to deliver measurable details to have high-quality and legible Cover Art and Poster Art across Prime Video apps and services.

Example below shows, partial non-legible Title Treatment (“The Lord of the Rights) for 16:9 cover art in Web and Mobile experience.

Following the Prime Video legibility and accessibility guide, we have categorized title art styling into several groups below and provided a guide how to measure legibility. Overall, minimum text on artwork size on images must be > 70px for 1920x1080px or > 150px for 3840x2160px Cover Art and 2000x3000px Poster Art. Minimum text size will apply to secondary text or smallest text size (in multi-line text) appears as part of the title art. These requirements are based on experience across many types of content and across all devices that we support.

Title contrast
Contrast between the title color and background must meet a legibility standard. To consider a legible and readable title, we should consider both size and contrast. Below we have examples where contrast meets the legibility requirement (Harry Potter title below), but size doesn’t and make the cover art illegible and vice versa. In accordance with the Prime Video accessibility guidelines, visual presentation of text and images of text must have a minimum contrast ratio of 4.5:1.

There are many variations of Title Art styling. For measuring the size for legibility, in some cases we should consider the full height of the title (example the wheel of time, Harry Potter). For these, on average, most legible title art can take up to ~50% of the size of the whole Cover Art/poster Art.

Artwork Variants Specifications and Delivery

  1. Same editorial and technical specs as “cover” for cover art, “poster” for poster art, and “hero” for hero/background art
  2. Only MMC references are accepted, no MEC
Image Type

Aspect Ratio

Title Type

Purpose MMC and MEC



Cover art variant


Movies and Seasons



  • AlphaNumeric
  • No special characters supported except underscore(“_”)
  • Less than or equal to 20 characters in length
Poster art variant


Movies and Seasons



  • AlphaNumeric
  • No special characters supported except underscore(“_”)
  • Less than or equal to 20 characters in length
Hero art variant


Movies and Seasons



  • AlphaNumeric
  • No special characters supported except underscore(“_”)
  • Less than or equal to 20 characters in length

US Only Delivery Example:

<manifest:Image ImageID="">

Global Delivery Example:

<manifest:Image ImageID="">

Field Definition &amp;amp;amp; notes Accepted values Usage

Identifies all individual assets being delivered as part of the package (e.g., mezzanine files, timed text, audio, etc.) along with asset-specific metadata. Required


ID used to reference the image throughout the MMC. Required for image delivery

Identifies the type of artwork being delivered and determines placement. boxart, cover, hero, poster, title Required

Identifies the language of the artwork being delivered. Prime Video acceptable languages Required

Width, in pixels, of the image being delivered. String (i.e. 1920) Optional

Height, in pixels, of the image being delivered. String (i.e. 1080) Optional

Used to identify whether artwork is specific to a region or whether artwork is a variant. Required for variants

Used to identify artwork that is specific to a region and shouldn't be displayed elsewhere, like compliance versions. If not included, artwork will be considered eligible to be displayed in all regions. Region Optional

Used to identify artwork that is specific to a region and shouldn't be displayed elsewhere, like compliance versions. If not included, artwork will be considered eligible to be displayed in all regions. Country codes Optional
AssetReference Used to identify whether an image is considered a variant. Required for variants
OtherIdentifier Used to identify whether an image is considered a variant. Required for variants


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