Financial onboarding - Prime Video Tech Docs

Financial onboarding

Last updated 2024-07-18

This article provides an overview of the financial onboarding process through Prime Video Slate.

Prime Video Slate enables content providers to manage their own payment preferences. You can update and add bank details for each licensed deal you have with Prime Video. If you don’t complete this process, you won’t receive payments! Before we can launch your catalog, whether through TVOD, Prime Channels, or Prime SVOD (licensed or Cost-Per-Hour), you must complete the steps in this topic.

Step 1: Account overview

Before you can set up a payee, you first must fill out the requisite details for your account. If you’ve completed financial onboarding through a different process, your information might be pre-populated, but you can still update it. To make updates, please make sure you have completed a business profile for your account. Depending on the size and complexity of your organization, you may be required to complete this process for multiple contracts (such as multiple licensing agreements across different business lines or locales).

  1. In the top right corner of the window, click the Account settings dropdown, and then click Business units.
    The Business units tab includes your business name, territory, address, phone number, and email address. If you have the correct permissions, you can click the more options icon to the right of a Business unit and select Edit business. If you need to add a business unit to your account, submit a request through the Contact us button at the bottom of this page.
  2. On the Business settings page, click Payees.
    On this tab, you will see the Payee name. If your organization is configured for multiple payees, you will see all payee names. If you have the correct permissions to complete your business profile section, you can click the more options icon to the right of a Payee name and select Edit payee. If you’re not sure of the scope of the contract for which you’re configuring payment preferences, contact your Prime Video business contact before you complete this step.

Step 2: Banking information

For detailed instructions about compensation, payments, and territory specific accounts, see Banking information.

After completing your account overview information, you must provide banking information for this payee. All partners must complete this process for at least one payee. If you’ve already completed financial onboarding through a different process, your details should already appear in your Prime Video Slate account.

Amazon currently supports payments in five currencies: CAD ($), EUR (€), GBP (£), JPY (¥), and USD ($).

  1. If your organization has multiple payees, on the Payees tab, click the more options icon to the right of a contract to set it to either Edit payee or Add bank and tax.
    If you’re not sure of the scope of the contract for which you’re configuring payment preferences, contact your Prime Video business contact before continuing.
  2. Click Add another bank account and complete the Add your bank account section.
    Amazon customers in other countries and regions can make purchases in their local currency, but you can still be paid in yours. Usually, you need only one bank account to get paid for all sales, but Prime Video also supports more advanced payment configurations.
  3. Complete the Tell us about your bank section, including the account and routing numbers.
    Amazon saves this information securely and won’t share it with anyone. You can add multiple bank accounts if you require more advanced payment configurations.
  4. If you’ve already completed this section for at least one bank for at least one payee, you’ll see the option to copy an existing bank account.

    Click Copy if the new payee entity uses the same banks as another payee.
    Select Add new if you need to complete this process for a new bank.

    All completed bank accounts appear in this section.

You can also indicate the payment details per marketplace for your bank accounts. For example, suppose you want one bank for European transactions and a second for U.S. and Canadian transactions.

  1. Click Expand details.
  2. For each bank account, indicate the associated Amazon locales by clicking the respective buttons (for example: for the U.S., for Germany).
    You must indicate a bank for each Amazon marketplace in your licensing agreement. Make sure your bank supports payments for the marketplaces you indicate. Payments are made via wire transfer and are subject to transfer fees and payment thresholds.

If you need to configure a second payee entity, work with your business contact to ensure your account is set up correctly.

Step 3: Tax information

Before selling videos and receiving payments, you must provide tax information to comply with U.S. tax regulations. In your account, a secure tax questionnaire enables you to submit the required tax information.

For more details, see Tax information.

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