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Customer Engagement Ranking

The Customer Engagement Ranking (CER) is a percentile ranking of a title’s level of engagement with our Prime customers in relation to other Prime (SVOD) titles published under Cost Per Hour (CPH) terms within a single territory. It is calculated using a number of factors, including the relative popularity of your title in our catalog and measures of customer engagement such as streamed hours. CER is calculated at season level for episodic content and is calculated on an individual title level for standalone titles.

Impact on earnings

Earnings are only impacted for Prime titles published into the United States. Royalties for titles distributed in the United States are calculated every month based on a title’s CER, which is provided in a monthly report available for download in your account.

When customers watch your title, the CER for that title may increase, which would increase the potential compensation for your title. Delivering Prime customers’ content that they want to watch help to ensure you maximize potential earnings.


In June 2019, Title "A" garners a CER of 78% based on its streaming performance in the US. This means that this title has a higher level of customer engagement than 78% of other Prime titles published under CPH terms in the United States. As such, for this title, all hours streamed in June would be compensated at a higher royalty rate than the base rate of that region.

This is because the United States royalty rate takes into account an adjustment due to CER. (For illustration purposes, we’ll assume that a CER of 78% correlates to the additional enhancement of $0.02/hour). Every hour which "Title A" streamed that month in the United States would be paid out at $0.08/hour ($0.06 base rate + $0.02 enhancement due to CER).

Conversely, titles that finish with lower CER (e.g., 10%) might earn a negative enhancement, which would affect the rate at which their hours streamed are paid out. The minimum royalty rate in the United States is $0.04 cost per hour (CPH). (The rate of $0.04 would be calculated as $0.06 base rate - $0.02 adjustment due to CER).

CER for each title updates monthly and may change monthly. A title’s CER in June only affects June earnings and a title’s CER in August only affect August earnings and so forth.

Affected titles

CER is viewable for all titles published into United States, United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan. However, CER is only used to calculate earnings for titles published into the United States.

Factors that contribute to CER

CER takes into consideration multiple customer signals which could include:

  • Unique Customers   Current and new Prime members who view your title.
  • Streamed Hours   The time each customer spends engaging with your content.
  • Title Popularity   Notable talent, relevant genres, an IMDb presence and rating, and box office performance.
  • Title Caliber   Compelling and high-quality poster art, accurate and representative copy and metadata, localized subtitles and key art.

View title's CER

CER for each title published into Prime (SVOD) CPH is displayed in your downloadable earnings report in Reports in Video Central. It is provided on a per-title level and can be viewed by downloading the prior month’s earnings report.

Best practices for customer engagement

While there are many ways to increase customer engagement, our most successful providers increase engagement by using some of the following best practices:

  • Review CPH Performance reporting to identify engagement trends, top performing titles, and more. Use these insights to bring additional selection and quality content for customers on Prime Video.
  • Provide accurate, crisp, clear and compelling title metadata (e.g., synopsis).
  • Create an IMDb page for your title. If your title already has an IMDb page, make sure production and award details are accurate and up-to-date.
  • Align your programming with seasonal relevancy. (For key holidays, make sure that your relevant titles are published well in advance).
  • Consider customers’ regional localization preferences. For example, you might consider dubbing your content when publishing to a territory with a localized audio preference.

Note: The above list is provided as general guidance and isn't intended to guarantee an improvement in your title’s performance or customer engagement.

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