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Security profile

Security profiles for an application contain the access credentials. The client_id is the equivalent of the user name and client_secret is the password.

Create Login with Amazon Security Profile

For your application to work with the Video Central API, you must create a Login with Amazon Security Profile.

  1. Go to and sign in. If you don't have an Amazon developer account, create one. Note: Developers in Japan should first create an account at
  2. In the Login with Amazon Console, click Create a New Security Profile.

  3. For Security Profile Name enter a name that will help you later identify the application's intent (e.g., "Video Report Downloader").
  4. For Security Profile Description enter a description. The description you enter will appear in the security profile list to help you identify the security profile's purpose.
  5. For Consent Privacy Notice URL enter a URL for a page that contains information about the privacy impact authorizing the application to login as themselves. We recommend entering a URL which links back to a page in Video Central explaining the purpose of the application.
  6. For Consent Logo Image select an optional image that will appear on the authorization/consent page.

  7. Click Save.

Set redirect URL

  1. In your Amazon developer account, in the Login with Amazon Console, find the security profile that you created, and then click the Manage icon.

  2. Click Web Settings.
  3. Click Edit.

  4. In the Allowed Return URLs box, enter the redirect URL.

    This URL is the web page that the user is redirected after authorizing/consenting the application. We recommend that you use either a secure (https:) domain that you own and control or https://localhost as a fallback.

    Note: Save the URL as you must use this same URL to retrieve an authorization code.

  5. Click Save.

Get credentials

These steps get your security profile credentials.

  1. On the Web Settings tab of the security profile, for Client Secret, click Show Secret.
  2. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret. These are your application's username and password, respectively. You will need this information later.


  • Save the application credentials (client_id and client_secret). You must use the same credentials to retrieve an authorization code.
  • client_secret is sensitive and should be kept in your organization's secrets management system.

  • If you need to retrieve the client_id and client_secret information later, return to this page.

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