Compensation details and failed payments - Prime Video Tech Docs

Compensation details and failed payments

Last updated 2024-07-22

Compensation details

Payments are based on how and where your titles are offered through Prime Video.

Please refer to the Digital Video License Agreement for complete information. The following standard payments apply:

Buy and Rent

Content providers receive 50% of net revenue. If you offer a season for purchase, customers who have purchased one or more episodes may be able to purchase the season for a discounted price. The season price is reduced by the amount the customer has already spent on previous episodes. You will receive 50% of net revenue for the episode and season purchases.

We issue payments approximately 90 days after the end of the month in which the revenue event occurred. You will receive payment from Amazon via electronic funds transfer (EFT) unless electronic funds transfer is not available in your location, in which case you will receive payment by wire transfer. If you receive payment via wire transfer, Amazon may withhold payment until you have reached a minimum threshold in accrued license fees for the applicable local marketplace. The minimum threshold for wire transfers are below.

Local marketplaceWire threshold$100£100€100¥10,000

If your earnings fall below the threshold for wire transfer payments, we will keep a running total and issue payment after the amount exceeds the minimum threshold. Your payment occurs 60 days after the end of the month in which your payments meet the threshold. When converting local earnings to a different currency, the amount to be paid after conversion must meet the minimum amount banks will allow us to send.

We support electronic payments in the locations listed in the following section. We’re actively expanding the list and will update this information when changes occur.

Payment by EFT

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • French Guiana
  • Germany
  • Gibraltar
  • Greece
  • Guadeloupe
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Latvia
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Malta
  • Martinique
  • Mayotte
  • Monaco
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Reunion
  • Romania
  • Saint Barthélemy
  • Saint Martin
  • Saint Pierre And Miquelon
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Payment by wire transfer

  • Australia
  • Indonesia (USD only)
  • Kenya (USD only)
  • Malaysia (USD only)
  • Brazil
  • Mexico
  • New Zealand
  • Nigeria (USD only)
  • Philippines (USD only)
  • Singapore (USD only)
  • South Africa (USD only)
  • South Korea (USD only)
  • Thailand (USD only)
  • Vietnam (USD only)

Failed payments

If your payment fails, it usually means your bank rejected the payment because the bank information you entered in the Prime Video Slate portal is incorrect or doesn’t match the information your bank has on file. For example, your bank account might have a different routing number, account number, or beneficiary name. Payment might also fail if your bank account isn’t configured to accept specific currencies. Make sure to check both situations with your bank and follow the steps in this topic before contacting support.

Fix failed payments

To fix payment issues, you must enter new bank information in the Prime Video Direct portal. Existing bank information can’t be edited, it can only be deleted.

Warning: No further attempts to issue payments will be made until you delete the existing banking information and add new information.

To fix a failed payment issue:

  1. Contact your bank and ensure all information is correct:
    • All banking information you enter in Slate (like name, address, account number, and so on) must exactly match the information your bank has on file.
    • Your bank account must be configured to accept all currencies.
  2. Delete the old bank account information and then add/re-add the correct information in the Prime Slate portal.
    1. Sign in to your Prime Video Slate account.
    2. From the Account settings dropdown in the top right corner, click Payees, bank and tax.
    3. Click the more options menu to the right of a payee name and select Edit payee.
    4. Click Delete account, and then click Delete to confirm.
    5. Follow the onscreen steps to add a bank account.
    6. Click Add to save your information.
      A green check mark appears, to confirm you’ve successfully added your bank account.
    7. Click Save.

After you’ve updated your bank account information, we’ll make another attempt to process the failed payment in the next payment cycle (typically at the end of the next calendar month.) Re-entering the same incorrect information won’t result in a payment attempt (the information has to be new/corrected).

More information: Failed payment/hold reasons

When your bank rejects a payment, Amazon is required to place the account on hold for one of the following reasons.

Prenote rejection hold/Account verification failure

  • Prenote rejection hold: Banking details will go through the Prenote validation process if you update the US banking information (irrespective of location). Sites will be placed on Prenote validation hold during the process of validation. A test transaction will be performed to validate the updated banking details. Sites will be released from Prenote validation hold if the updated banking details are valid. If details fail, sites will be placed on Prenote rejection hold due to validation failure or an incorrect update.

    Note: Prenote validation is performed only for US banking details. Banks in other countries/regions don’t have this validation.

  • Account verification failure: When you update banking details in the portal, the system validates the information. If the validation fails, your account is placed on hold with reason Account verification failure and a notification is sent to update the banking details. If you don’t update with correct information or if you re-enter the same information, holds will not be removed.

Action required: Log in to Prime Video Slate and provide valid banking information.

ACH reject

  • The account will be placed on ACH hold when there is a payment failure due to invalid/incorrect banking information like routing number, account number, beneficiary name, and so on.
  • NOC and AWACS hold: These holds are part of ACH rejects, but with a different reason. These occur when there is a change in banking information and the bank accepted a previous payment as a one-time exception. Further payments won’t be accepted until the bank details are updated. NOC hold is applicable for the US region and AWACS hold is applicable for the EU region. There may be cases where only a few marketplaces will be placed on hold, although the same banking information is entered across all marketplaces.

Action required: Log in to Prime Video Slate and update your banking details with valid banking information.

Tax hold

  • Tax details are expired or invalid, and so on.

Action required: Log in to Prime Video Slate and complete the Tax Interview.

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