
  • Prime Video packaging summary
  • Packaging requirements — US/UK/DE/JP (Classic)
  • Sample files
  • Ratings
  • Languages, style guides and genres
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Video tutorials

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Asset manifest

Asset manifests serve two main purposes.

  • They provide metadata describing the technical assets delivered (such as asset type, language tags, resolutions, frame rates, etc.).
  • They identify which assets are intended to be packaged together.

There are two supported manifest formats in Classic territories.

  • The Amazon Simple Asset Manifest (recommended)
  • File Naming Convention

Amazon Simple Asset Manifest

The Amazon Simple Asset Manifest (AXML) is an XML file that supports delivery of asset manifest and title metadata. Title metadata and manifest data can be delivered together in a single AXML file or can be delivered separately. We support partial delivery of manifest information. When adding assets to an existing package, there is no requirement to reference previously delivered assets.

AXML is the preferred method to deliver asset manifest because it supports delivery of component-based packages as well as additional asset types like HDR, 16:9 artwork, and forced narratives. Additionally, AXML allows non-conformed file names and technical asset details.

When a previously delivered asset requires redelivery, a different file name than previously referenced is required. Append the file name with R1, R2, etc. to track variants. When delivering AXML files, they are subject to the Prime Video file naming rules.

Example files for each of these options can be found in the Sample Files.

Field NameDefinition & NotesAccepted ValuesPrime Video Usage
PartnerNamePartner Name (i.e. PartnerAlias) that is used internally for Amazon systems. This alias is provided during the onboarding process.Required
UniqueID50 characters maximum. Only letters, numbers, and underscores. No spaces or symbols. It should be unique within the content provider's catalog.Required
Content typeType of program material the child elements of this tag reference."full," "trailerRequired
Asset typeDeclares the type of asset in a package that is being referenced. Can have one of three values."artwork," "source," "textless"Required
Asset localeDeclares the language that the source asset is in and the region in which that language is spoken. This field isn't directly related to region of distribution.e.g., "en-US"Required
FilenameDeclares the file name of an asset.Required
DisplayAspectRatioDeclares the display aspect ratio for a video source file. If the video asset being delivered doesn't contain header data, providers are required to include this information in the Asset Manifest.4:3, 1.667:1, 16:9, 1.85:1, 2:1, 2.2:1, 2.35:1, and 2.4:1Optional
FieldtypeDeclares the field order of the video source file that is being delivered. Required for video assets that don't contain this information in the header data."top field first," "bottom field first"Optional
ChecksumChecksum value for a source file generated by the provider prior to file transfer.Optional
TimedTextAsset locationParent field that declares all its child elements as relating to a timed text asset. Must include associated locale.Required
Attribute nameAssociated with source files that have an <Asset type="captions"> or <Asset type="subtitle">. Declares the frame rate of the timed text asset and the drop state. You must deliver two lines to indicate both the framerate and drop state.23.98, 24, 25, 30, and 29.97; "drop," "nondrop"Required
AudioAsset locationParent field that declaires all its child elements as relating to audio. Must include associated locale. Required
Attribute nameAssociated with source files that have an <Asset type="captions"> or <Asset type="subtitle">. Declares the frame rate of the timed text asset and the drop state. You must deliver two lines to indicate both the framerate and drop state.23.98, 24, 25, 30, and 29.97; "drop," "nondrop"Required
TypeDeclares the type of timed text or audio asset being delivered."subtitle," "caption," "audio"Required
SubTypeDeclares the subtype for audio or timed text assets being delivered."Narration" (Descriptive Audio), "SDH", "Nar" (Forced Narratives)Optional

AXML complex asset reference examples


For Asset type use textless for video sources that contain no burned-in subtitles or source for video sources that contain burned-in subtitles or forced narratives.

<Asset type="textless" locale="en-US">

SDH subtitles
<TimedTextAsset locale="en-US">
     <Attribute name="timedText.frameRate">23.98</Attribute>
     <Attribute name="timedText.drop">NDF</Attribute>

Closed captions
<TimedTextAsset locale="en-US">
     <Attribute name="timedText.frameRate">23.98</Attribute>
     <Attribute name="timedText.drop">NDF</Attribute>

Full subtitles
<TimedTextAsset locale="pt-BR">
     <Attribute name="timedText.frameRate">23.98</Attribute>
     <Attribute name="timedText.drop">NDF</Attribute>

Forced narratives
<TimedTextAsset locale="en-US">
     <Attribute name="timedText.frameRate">23.98</Attribute>
     <Attribute name="timedText.drop">NDF</Attribute>

Descriptive audio
<AudioAsset type="audio" locale="es-US">

Dubbed audio
<AudioAsset type="audio" locale="it-IT">

Artwork references

16:9 artwork is now supported via AXML references. Optionally, language locale can be identified, but if it's not included artwork language will default to territory language (i.e. en-US for US and de-DE for Germany).

See reference examples below:

Box art (3:4 and 4:3)
<Asset type="artwork" subType="boxart">

Cover art (16:9)
<Asset type="artwork" subType="cover">

Hero (Background) art (16:9)
<Asset type="artwork" subType="hero">

Cover art including language locale (16:9)
<Asset type="artwork" subType="cover" locale="pt-BR">

File name convention

If you prefer to not use AXML to the Prime Video Classic territories, you can use File Name Convention. Prime Video uses a hyphen ("-") as a delimiter between values within the file name of the provided asset. This naming convention must be followed exactly. Failure to do so will result in asset mismatches, incorrect title references, and processing errors.

File Naming Convention: [PartnerAlias]-[UniqueID]-[ContentType]-[AssetType]-[LanguageCode]-[Territory].xxx

Example: Titan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Mezz_HD-en-US.mpg

  • PartnerAlias and UniqueID must match exactly with their corresponding fields used in the metadata and avails for each title. Each section of the file name must be separated by a hyphen ("-"), not an underscore ("_") or other punctuation.
  • No spaces are allowed in file names. Underscores ("_") can be used to separate words within a single section of the file name, but please be careful that you are not using an underscore when a hyphen ("-") is required instead.
  • Metadata and avails files don't use File Name Convention, but to help reference these files for tracking and troubleshooting, it's recommended to name them with keywords relating to your organization and key identification information.

File name sections

In the File Name Examples table below, descriptions are provided for each of the specific fields required in each asset file name. In the examples provided, brackets ("[" and "]") are used to delineate required components. Brackets are provided in the example for emphasis only and must not be included in the file name.



PartnerAlias: A Prime Video-defined unique IDused to identify your partner account. You will be provided this alias during the onboarding process. This alias is generally an abbreviation of the full partner name. e.g., "Titan Studios" = "Titan." This alias is only used internally and isn't customer-facing.



UniqueID: A Partner-defined value (a.k.a. SKU or EIDR) that uniquely defines a title. Every title (Episode, Season, Series, Movie) requires a UniqueID. You may use your own internal tracking number, provided it meets the below requirements:

  • Must be unique within the partner’s catalog (i.e. no two titles can use the same UniqueID).
  • Must match the UniqueID in the Prime Video Standard Naming Convention file name, AltID used in the avail, and the UniqueID used in the metadata for the title.
  • 50-character maximum.
  • May only contain English letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.

Content type


ContentType: Details whether the asset contains the full program material or trailer. The below entries are valid:

  • Full: The main program material for the title.
  • Trailer: Trailer or preview for the title. For more information about trailers, see Value-added Material.

Asset type


AssetType: Describes the type of asset being delivered. The below values are valid:

  • Mezz_UHD: UHD video source file.
  • Mezz_HD: HD video source file.
  • Mezz_SD: SD video source file.
  • Image: Image file used to promote the title.
  • Caption[Framerate]: Closed caption file to support the program. This value must include additional details on the Frame Rate and Drop/Non-Drop Frame value of the caption file. See the Timed Text Technical Asset Requirements for details.
  • Subtitle[Framerate]: Subtitle file supporting the program. This value must include additional details on the Frame Rate and Drop/Non-Drop Frame value of the subtitle file. See the Timed Text Technical Asset Requirements for details.
  • Audio: Discrete audio file supporting the program, often in a different language from the source file or to supply descriptions for accessibility.

Language code and territory


LanguageCode: Describes the language contained on this particular file. This pairs with the Territory to form the Language-Locale section of the file name. See the Language and Locale Tags section for a complete list of allowed pairings. For example:

  • en-US: "en" is the [LanguageCode] in this pairing and "US" is the [Territory]. This Language-Locale pairing would refer to US English.
  • fr-CA: "fr" is the [LanguageCode] in this pairing and "CA" is the [Territory]. This Language-Locale pairing would refer to Canadian French.
  • de-DE: "de" is the [LanguageCode] in this pairing and "DE" is the [Territory]. This Language-Locale pairing would refer to German.

Other information (optional)


OtherInformation: Any additional information that needs to be conveyed via the file name can be added after the locale. A "-" (hyphen) must be used to separate the [Territory] from these additional details. Examples of how this could be used are:

  • Appending the word "TEST" to a test asset that is being delivered for Onboarding:
  • Appending "R1", "R2", "R3", etc. to indicate a new version of a previously-delivered asset:


Check the relevant sections for supported extensions/file types for each kind of asset—video, audio, captions, subtitles, images, and metadata.

File name examples

The following table provides examples of acceptable file names. In this example, a partner with the PartnerAlias "Titan" is delivering a title with the [UniqueID] of "ExplosionsMovie":

FileDescriptionContentType ValueAssetType ValueLocaleExample File Name
MezzanineSD mezzanine file for title.FullMezz_SDJapaneseTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Mezz_SD-ja-JP.mpg
MezzanineSD mezzanine file for title.FullMezz_SDGerman Titan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Mezz_SD-de-DE.mpg
MezzanineHD mezzanine file for the title.FullMezz_HDBritish EnglishTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Mezz_HD-en-GB.mpg
MezzanineHD mezzanine file for the title.FullMezz_HDU.S. English Titan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Mezz_HD-en-US.mpg
MezzanineSD mezzanine file for the
MezzanineHD mezzanine file for the trailer.TrailerMezz_HDU.S.
ImageMain image for the title.FullImageJapaneseTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Image-ja-JP.jpg
ImageMain image for the title.FullImageGermanTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Image-de-DE.jpg
CaptionsA 23.98fps (23.976) Non-Drop Frame caption file for the title.FullCaption2398NDFU.S. EnglishTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Caption2398NDF-en-US.scc
CaptionsA 24fps caption file for the title.FullCaption24German Titan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Caption24-de-DE.scc
SubtitleA 25fps subtitle file for the title.FullSubtitle25British EnglishTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Subtitle25-en-GB.scc
CaptionsA 29.97fps Drop Frame caption for the title.FullCaption2997DFU.S. EnglishTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Caption2997DF-en-US.scc
SubtitleA 29.97fps Non-Drop Frame subtitle for the title.FullSubtitle2997NDFU.S. EnglishTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Subtitle2997NDF-en-US.scc
MezzanineHD mezzanine file for the title.FullMezz_HDBritish EnglishTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Mezz_HD-en-GB-R1.mpg
AudioDiscrete audio for the
AudioDiscrete descriptive audio or "narration" for the title.FullAudio_NarrationU.S. EnglishTitan-ExplosionsMovie-Full-Audio_Narration-en-US.mp4

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